lebanon public school district spotlight

Ivy Coleman

Ivy joined the Lebanon Public Schools Team in a full time capacity in 2018. She has been a valued member of our custodial team ever since. In speaking with our Facilities Director and building Principals I get rave reviews of Ivy's performance and compliments on her pleasant personality. Here are some of the nice things her teammates had to say about her.

"Ivy goes above and beyond in her daily tasks at Lebanon Public Schools"

"She will cover any areas that I ask of her without hesitation. She is instrumental in training any new staff"

"She delights in cleaning"

"Her attitude of let's all get along and get the job done is refreshing"

"She is a pleasure to work with"

Many staff members have complimented her work ethic. She is diligent in her duties and takes great pride in her work. She does a bathroom refresh every day she is at the elementary school which the staff appreciate. She also wipes the handrails in the hallways.

Ivy you are appreciated!